Lesson 11
Wow, we are already into Lesson 11, it seems as though it was just yesterday that I first walked into TWC class and typing out my first post for this blog.
Well, today's lesson was the start of the group presentations! It was really interesting to see the websites of the other groups and learning from them! Most of the groups have used videos effectively and I learnt that it is important to include relevant videos as they help to sustain interest while emphasizing and supporting the content of the website.
The groups' websites are really professional looking and I am amazed by the effort that they put into their presentations. For example, the Techmerce group came up with several original videos and even put on a short skit. These additional work really added value to their presentations and made it even more interesting to listen to. Another group, the Ricebowl group, also gave out sweets to emphasize one of the ideas; sweets that give full flavored meal aka Willy Wonka's sweet. Chewing on the sweet that they gave out, it really helped me imagine of that possible future.
In all, I think that the groups did well and my group has definitely learnt from them while preparing for our own presentation and website!
A 8/10 for this lesson!
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